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The Rogaška Glassworks has been cultivating a masterful tradition of hand-made crystal glass since 1665. With its infinite brilliance and exceptional clarity, crystal from Rogaška Slatina is one of the highest quality in the world. All products are still made by hand, and master glassmakers are helped by the latest technology.

During your stay in Rogaška Slatina, we invite you to visit Rogaška glassworks and get to know the world of prestigious Rogaška crystal.

PEGASUS ROGAŠKA showroom is the largest Rogaška Glassworks product showroom in the world, where you can see unique cups and prizes made for special occasions and global events in addition to many products suitable for gifts or decorating your home. Among them are a vase received by Queen Elizabeth, Pope John Paul II and Valentino Rosi; and trophies for FIS Ski-Flying world cup in Planica, the FIS ski world cup Golden Fox in Maribor, the EMA and Porin music awards and others. The store also offers the option of refining bought products with hand engraving.

In Rogaška Glassworks you can also experience a guided tour of crystal production. Advance notice and appointment reservation is required for visiting the production line. You can get more information at hotel reception, at Rogaška Slatina Tourist Information Center or on-line at


Pegasus Rogaška Shop
Ulica talcev  1, 3250 Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia

Tel: +386 3 818 0237
E-mail: [email protected]

Opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:00 – 19:00  |  Sat: 8:00 – 13:00  |  Sundays and holidays closed!